During one of this months trailblazers, members of the Trailblazers Demo Team (TDT) - Chris and Craig - took the new Edition of Wild West Exodus to Wales and Bristol; visiting wargamers at their clubs and a family run wargaming shop.
What are Trailblazers?
Simply put, we bring the game to you! The TDT travel around the UK bringing invaluable skills and quirks to clubs and game shops, demoing the Wild West Exodus miniatures wargame, up and down the UK.
If you live outside of the UK get in touch with us because we would love to carry Trailblazers overseas.
Day 1 - Crow Valley Crusaders
Chris and Craig visited fellow miniature wargamers at the Crow Valley Crusaders club in Wales early this trailblazer tour. Unfortunately, the TDT wasn't able to experience the tabletop games club's infamous “Longest Night" event, but all enjoyed the Wild West Exodus experience!

Day 2 - Bristol Independent Gaming
On day two the TDT visited Bristol's largest wargaming venue; Bristol Independent Gaming (B-I-G). Members of the tabletop games club joined Chris and Craig for some Wild West board gaming action.

Day 3 - Pegasus Hobbies and Games
Chris and Craig were back in Wales for day 3 of the Wild West Exodus trailblazer event visiting the Pegasus Hobbies and Games team. The shop not only provided the perfect competitive environment but the team were great too!

These events offer the chance to experience gameplay firsthand; getting to know the characters whilst playing with and talking to all those who love Wild West Exodus.
Whether you're a hobbyist or a wargamer, a club or an independent shop; if you're interested, you're welcome! View event dates to find a demo event near you.