Warcradle Studios

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Speed Paint Your Own Gun Dog!

Speed paint your very own Lawmen or Union Gun Dog by following Lewis' painting tutorial!

You may not be able to complete it in two hours (I know, I'm jealous too) but it'll help you on your way, that's for sure!


Prime the miniature using Black


Basecoat with Underbelly Blue (Formula P3).

Once the basecoat has dried add a layer of Underbelly Blue and White 7:3 focused towards the points where light would hit.


Wash with a mix of black/brown 50/50, I used Army Painter Dark Tone and Vallejo's Maroon for this.

A controlled drybrush of White and Underbelly Blue 7:3 was applied over the whole miniature in a circular motion as to catch each edge.


Alchemy phase... Gold was then added using two thin glazes of Vallejo's Air Orange and Air Tank Brown 6:4. This, once slightly thinned, will cover the previous paint and change the colour whilst leaving the highlights and shading behind.


A mix of White and Tank Brown 8:2 was then used to edge/spot highlight specific areas on the model.


A final Air Orange glaze/water 4:6 was used over the gold to tie it together and make it a vibrant yellow/orange. I also shaded the silver with 2 glazes of Vallejo's Dark Sea Blue.


A final edge/spot highlight of pure white was added to the middle of most highlights on the miniature to replicate the look of true reflective light. 


The final step is usually the most exciting! That's when it all comes together.

Little scratches were added over the model to give it a little wear and tear and add to the overall realism. The orange glow was done by painting the areas I wanted to glow pure white. After this was done, an airbrush layer of thin orange was added which glazed both the black and the white together to create an easy and quick glow effect. If you don't have an airbrush then 2-3 layers of a thin orange glaze would do the trick!