The Gunslinger Masters Tournament Returns To the UK

The Official UK Wild West Exodus Tournament is back for its second year this October. Gunslingers from across the country will meet in combat to see who will become this year’s champion in the one day event held by Southampton Sluggaz. The event will be run at 1200pts for 3 rounds, and the time table for the day is outlined below.

9.30 -  Sign in

10.00 -12.00 - Round 1

12.00 – 13.00 - Lunch

13.00 – 15.00 - Round 2

15.30 – 17.30 - Round 3

17.30 -18.30 prize giving

Location – St Denys Community Centre, Priory Road, Southampton

Hampshire, SO17 2JZ (Sat nav, SO17 2HS)

Book your place here:

Lists must be submitted to the following email address by the 5th October – or can be posted on the event

page on facebook

Any questions regarding the event either email or post on the event page

Round Scenarios

Scenarios will be advised for each round all tables will play same scenario.

Contender Bonus

After being paired up for a game, if one player has a force that is ten or more points under their opponent’s points total, then they receive an additional Adventure card in their hand for the first round only.


During a Gunslinger Tournament, a player gains 5 Gunslinger points for a win, 3 for a tie and 1 point for a loss each round VP will be used for tie-breaking (Late List or payment will confer negative points on this)

Conversion and Proxies

Conversions will be allowed as will proxies assuming they are a suitable model and are made clear to your opponent. Any questions on the legality of conversions please contact the Tournament organiser

There will be prizes for

Murderous (most Gunslinger points)

Largesse (Most sporting)

Prodigious (Best painted)

Tasked (lowest-placed)
