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June Releases: Mechanical Monstrosities Dwell Deep Below

Hidden in the unknown depths of the sea, a devastating Enlightened Colossi has been given the command to come to life.

This month, the Enlightened add to their arsenal of mechanical marvels as a viscous, vermicular form has awoken. The Aronnax Colossus Squadrons box offers Enlightened players a terrifyingly effective tool that emerges from the depths to tear their opponent's vessels to shreds.

With the recent release of the Vauban Battlefleet Set, the Alliance are receiving even more French aerial support with the Alliance Levant Support Squadrons.

These are due to be released at the end of June 2024.

Dystopian Wars

Two new Squadron boxes, the Aronnax Colossus Squadrons and the Alliance Levant Support Squadrons, are coming to Dystopian Wars this June. These boxes are excellent additions to any Enlightened or Alliance fleet.

Aronnax Colossus Squadrons

Huge mechanical constructions lay immobile at the bottom of the sea. The darkness is only occasionally broken by the bioluminescence of strange creatures never seen by man.

Uncategorised organisms began to converge, drawn in by the only source of heat for miles around. Crustacea gently crawled across the surface of the metallic things, testing to see if this was an unusual form of whale fall. With no food to be found, the gathering was small.

There was no meaning here, base forms of life acted purely on instinct, akin to windup toys, simply performing the mechanical tasks of survival. The metal knew nothing, it merely was. Deep within giant carapaces a kind of survival was also happening.

RJ-1027 pulsed through tubes which heated steam to create pressure in pistons that in turn prevented the ember of readiness from being extinguished in this dark place. A living thing might have been considered to be waiting had it been alive but instead, it was only being, until something else impelled its motion. Time passed.

Without warning, the great steel worms began to move. Gentle at first as they performed diagnostics, checking for damage or inoperative parts. Then the surroundings were suffused with a green glow as they powered up fully, bafflingly complex if/then mechanisms reacting to the commands given by an Enlightened vessel, unseen on the surface.

Had someone seen it, they might have been fooled into thinking these colossi were alive; they were designed to appear so, after all. Engines urged them forward, within hours they would be involved in a violence that would cut the meaning from scores of human lives.

Others would never forget the terrifying forms of the Aronnax as they bore down upon their ships, massive jaws tearing through hulls with ease. Stories of sea beasts would chill the hearts of those who heard them, but the metal things would have no opinion of any of it. They were simply tools, used as any others by the all-too-human Covenant of the Enlightened.

This box contains:

  • 3x Aronnax Vermiform Colossi

Alliance Levant Support Squadrons

As the squadron of Levant skimmers passed by the port, they forced a spray of seawater into mist with their repulsor generators. A sparkle of rainbow light delighted everyone who saw it. The same sunshine glimmered off gold filigree that was yet to be damaged in combat.

They were a glorious sight, inspiring awe in all those who were gathered at the dockside. It was no secret that these support cruisers were passing by while gaining additional supplies before they left France for whichever exotic sea needed protection in the name of the glorious Latin Alliance.

It was a humble crowd of fishermen, their families, and the everyday folk who kept this small town running day to day. Carpenters, shopkeepers, and technicians kept everything ticking over.

It wasn’t often that they saw anything from the navy pass by, so children made pennants and bunting to wave the hovering vessels off. These were support cruisers themselves. Gascony and Alma class cruisers made sure the warships could do their job serving the Alliance's many outposts across the globe.

Theirs was not the glory of combat but a job just as important. It was no accident that they had been ordered to stock up supplies here, the many publicists in service to Napoleon III knew the importance of keeping up the morale of the common man.

This box contains:

  • 2x Dieppe Levant Cruiser (may also be built as Alma, Lyon, Marseille or Gascony Class)

  • 2x Honneur Levant Destroyer

  • 2x Frelon Tokens

You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or online at Wayland Games on the 31st of May 2024.

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