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June Releases: The Weird, The Wonderful, and The Downright Wicked

If you thought that Skyfortresses, Zeppelins and Giant Squid Colossi were on the weirder side of releases for Dystopian Wars, this month will not disappoint!

Look up to the skies as an aerial unit like no other hovers above the sea, its vast shadow a portent of the carnage to come. The Enlightened are no strangers to weird science, but the Thule Battlefleet Set takes their scientific prowess to a new level! The Italian forces of the Alliance launch an offensive of their own as the Minerva sends Strike Fighters to hit hard and fast.

The whirring of Skydrills can also be heard this month as the Commonwealth Advanced Squadrons bring a whole range of Commonwealth units now available in their separate box. Also available to pre-order separately this month is the Sturginium Platforms & Objectives Set, allowing you to introduce the platforms found in Cyclone of Shadows, Beyond The Sturginium Skies and Beyond The Hunt for the Prometheus to your tabletop.

Sinister circumstances have led you down an unfortunate path as the eldritch town of Myskham invites you in. Take some time, stay a while, but don’t dig deeper than you have to, as the new Warcradle Scenics Myskham Town Set offers an excellent setting for any eerie wargaming scenario where it feels like every dark corner is staring back at you.

Due to be released at the end of June 2023.

Dystopian Wars

Try not to stare too long at the latest marvel of Enlightened engineering, the Thule Sky Fortress, as it charges up an attack to decimate all those transfixed by its physics-defying hovering. As well as the Thule Battlefleet Set, the Minerva Battlefleet Set is here to bombard any opposing force with a volley of Strike Fighters in the name of the Alliance.

Prepare to add Skydrills and Hovercraft to your Commonwealth fleets with the Commonwealth Advanced Squadrons, offering major offensive capabilities. The Sturginium Platforms & Objectives Set will be a great pickup for any Dystopian Wars player, offering components from Cyclone of Shadows and the Beyond sets for the first time outside of a bigger box.

Thule Battlefleet Set

“I’ve never seen anything like it. How can something so massive just hang in the air? Sure, we've got airships but at least they follow the laws of nature.”

“Glorified balloons I can understand. What did you call it; a Thule? That was something else. I thought those huge thrusters were keeping it in the sky at first but I think it only uses them to manoeuvre.” 

“I’ll never forget the sound. That screech shook me to my core, made my bones itch. Spent the rest of the battle getting thrown around in a lifeboat so I don’t know how much more intel I can give you. Can I go back to the ward now?”

Seaman Jake Davis: USS Scituate, Farragut Class Frigate 

This box contains:

  • 1x Thule Sky-Fortress

  • 1x Adamski Strike Saucer (may also be built as Haunebu or Valtar Class)

  • 6x Euclid Scout Saucer (may also be built as Pytheus Class)

  • 6x SRS Tokens

Minerva Battlefleet Set

It was a small unnamed island, part of an unremarkable chain. Uninhabited. If there were anyone there they would have been treated to a glorious site. A formation of Malinois Strike Fighters soared above the battlefleet, pilots seeing far into the distance thanks to their elevated position.

The triangular craft were only visible as specs by the crewmen below and would have gone unnoticed to the wildlife of the island. Even the men of the fleet who did see made no mention of it as they were far too busy preparing for the oncoming violence.

Next came a squadron of Gladius Cruisers, flanked by Cestus Zebeks, livery freshly painted to strike awe in the hearts of the enemy.

They were swiftly followed by Pugio Destroyers, ready to change formation at a moments notice and unleash a surprising amount of firepower.

After that came the flagship, a Minerva Assault Carrier, from which had launched the fighter circling ahead. She was the ‘Giornata Gloriosa’, the fluid lines of her detailing reflecting the light of the day.

The flightdeck had more Malinois prepared to launch once the enemy was spotted while cranes and docking mechanisms were stowed away, ready to release the moment a cruiser pulled alongside for emergency repairs.

Trailing behind, Scorpio Artillery Cruisers, their Naval Ballista glinting in the sun. The parrots on the island paid no attention to the impressive sight, let alone wonder what fools had garnered the military attention of the Alliance.

This box contains:

  • 1x Minerva Assault Carrier

  • 3x Scorpio Artillery Cruisers (may also be built as Vulcan or Jupiter Class)

  • 3x Gladius Strike Cruisers (may also be built as Spatha, Auxillia or Pilum Class)

  • 6x Cestus Zebeks

  • 6x Pugio Destroyers

  • 3x Sagitta Hunter Submarines

  • 6x Escorts

  • 3x SRS Tokens

Commonwealth Advanced Squadrons

Commonwealth engineering is often a case of forcing something to work, whether it wants to or not. This is surely the case with the Irkutsk Skydrill. While checks and balances of the laws of physics must be adhered to, it doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to work around them.

Overpowered repulsor generators keep the vessel in the sky but have little spare energy to move it, this is what the aft pulsejets are for. The one example of engineering elegance to make it through is the massive amount of heat produced by the repulsors is then syphoned into the propulsion system. Even the weaponry is a case of maximum power for a minimum problem.

The Semyenov Assault Bore is a perfect transmission of momentum into force. The destruction caused is often enough to bring down the largest sky fortress. While the design of the Irkutsk appears to be a fever dream of the Dystopian Age, no one can dispute its effectiveness as it powers through the skies.

While these Skycruisers soar above the waves, the Commonwealth Hovercraft skim across their surface. Again the simplicity of these machines is testament to their efficiency. They are as effective over water as they are on land and are incredibly effective at landing troops on land-bound targets.

This box contains:

  • 2x Irkutsk Skydrills (may also be built as Saransk or Tunguska Class)

  • 2x Giyena Shockwave Hovercraft (may also be built as Zubr Class)

  • 4x Escort Tokens

Sturginium Platforms & Objectives Set

Isolated in the vast ocean, the platform stood in defiance of nature. A symbol of humanity’s conquest of the globe in the Dystopian Age. It was quiet now. A fire that had previously run out of control had been put out by a recent storm. All hands abandoned the place during the conflict that had caused the blaze, the only inhabitants now were some errant seabirds pausing their migration.

Before that battle it had the official title of ‘The Shining Point at the End of the World’ by the ever verbose Celestian Empire. Before then it was ‘War Platform Sandringham’ to the Crown, although the assigned crew called it ‘the arse end of nowhere’. Before that, its name and very existence had been redacted as an asset of the Commonwealth.

What it would be called next was yet to be decided, no doubt by combat that cost the lives of men. Men with families that lived far from here. The seabirds who had a chance to fold their wings there neither knew nor cared. They were simply glad for the rest.

This box contains:

  • 2x Large set of Platforms (with multiple build options)

  • 2x Small set of Platforms (with multiple build options)

  • 2x Wreck Markers

  • 2x Mine Markers

Warcradle Scenics

A dense fog clears in an instant and in the distance a mysterious town can be seen, offering refuge to passersby - but there’s more to Myskham than meets the eye. Introducing a brand new terrain set from Warcradle Scenics, perfect for your eldritch investigations and wargames like Mythos.

Myskham Town Set

The air in ‘The Elder Sign’ was thick with whispers. Furtive looks were exchanged between the regular patrons and the clinking of glasses punctuated the suspicious murmuring.

Roger Prendergast wondered why the locals, all of whom shared what he called that “Myskham look”, frequented this particular establishment, then he realised that there was nowhere else to drink in this part of town.

His car had broken down just outside the city limits and a rough looking man had begrudgingly helped. After the offer of cash at least. His name was evidently Jaze, unusual for this part of the world and Prendergast was unsure if his haggard appearance was brought on by years or hard living.

Roger had been to Myskham before, visiting the university to ply his trade. He was a travelling salesman specialising in encyclopaedias. While his yearly trip to the university was lucrative, he doubted this unforeseen stop would make him any money.

As his car was towed into this part of town he saw familiar things, although something about them made him uncomfortable. A modern design, in keeping with the recent wealth brought into the city, was to be seen but with levels of wear and tear far more advanced than their inclusion would suggest.

A new kiosk had nothing in the way of papers or magazines but sour looking men were leaning up against it, seemingly discussing local events.

The firestation was apparently abandoned, whether by laziness or lack of funds, Roger couldn’t tell.

Worst was the Subway Station, out of use but a foul wind oozed out of it accompanied by echoes of a screech that was too dissimilar to a train whistle for Prendergast’s liking.

Now, in ‘The Elder Sign’, all these unsettling moments came to a head when he found the phone service was out of order in this part of town. He did not relish the thought of staying here for the night.

This box contains:

  • 1x Myskham Automobile

  • 1x Myskham Firestation

  • 1x Myskham Subway Station

  • 1x Myskham Town House

  • 1x Myskham The Elder Sign

  • 1x Myskham Urban Scatter

Which of the new releases are you the most excited for? You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or at Wayland Games Online on the 26th of May 2023.

What are you the most excited for? Make sure to let us know over on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and stay up to date with all the new releases right here on the Warcradle Studios Blog.