In the pursuit of expanding their reach throughout the Dystopian Age, the Union launch the largest vessel in their air fleet with the Destiny Battlefleet Set. Set on spreading the influence of the Federated States, the Destiny proves a mighty asset to the Union, one that the other Great Powers cannot ignore.

More aerial units are inbound as the Merchant Convoy Squadrons mark the separate release of the Civilian ships from the Fortune and Glory Two Player Starter Set as they attempt to protect themselves.

Rounding out the aerial releases for March, the Sultanate Aerial Squadrons help to reinforce any Crimson League or Sultanate fleet you plan on deploying.

These are due to be released at the end of March 2024.

Dystopian Wars

This month sees the introduction of Destiny Sky Fortress to the Union’s arsenal, offering an imposing threat that casts a massive shadow over any opposing fleet’s hopes of success.

Appearing first in the Fortune and Glory Two Player Starter Set, the Merchant Convoy Squadrons and Sultanate Aerial Squadrons are launching this month, allowing you to flesh out your existing fleets however you desire.

Destiny Battlefleet Set

It was an engineering marvel, rivalling even the greatest creations of the other Great Powers. It was named for the most powerful aspiration of the Union of Federated States, an ultimate goal which it could not help but achieve - Destiny

When it was but the New World, settlers had spread across the continent, proving to themselves, without a shadow of a doubt, that Manifest Destiny was an assignment from the Almighty. Since then, they had mastered any land they arrived at and seemed intent on working their way across the globe.

The Destiny Sky Fortress is the ultimate mechanical extension of this outlook. It can soar across the world, launching fighters wherever they are needed. Resources are now being collected to create more and more of these extensions of the Union’s ideology in an attempt to create a network of air power that will finally bring Manifest Destiny to all.

This box contains:

  • 1x Destiny Sky Fortress

  • 4x Ticonderoga Assault Airship (may also be built as Constellation, Republic or Ranger Class)

  • 8x Bogata Container Carryalls (may also be built for Fuel, Tank or Torpedo)

  • 8x SRS Tokens

Merchant Convoy Squadrons

“Working in the merchant navy has always been tough, but now it’s worse than ever! Used to be we’d have to cope with months away from home, the physical labour of dealing with cargo and whatever wet hell the weather could throw at us.

“I’ve lost too many mates off the cape and had to tell their families the news without everything else that’s been going on these last few years.

“More and more of our jobs have needed military escorts to keep us from being boarded by sky pirates and the like. I’ve seen huge mechanical squid in the Bay of Bengal, been attacked by great hovering discs of steel in the South Atlantic and even huge metal men flying across the Mediterranean.

“Don’t let them fool you, it’s getting harder and harder to be an honest sailor. I’m getting too old for this nonsense!”

Part of an interview with Able Seaman Richard Miggins for the Freeport Gazette

This box contains:

  • 2x Titan Passenger Conveyor (may also be built for Freight or Oil and also as Olympia Class)

  • 2x Merchant Ship

  • 2x Escort

  • 2x Small Ship Token

  • 2x Cargo Token

  • 2x Ground Assault Detachment Token

Sultanate Aerial Squadrons

Given that airships are spotted from a greater distance than surface vessels, the crews that spy them tend to have an extended time in which to panic before their aerial opponents move in for the kill.

This is doubly true for Nasr Skyships and their variant classes. Along with smaller Hirka and Alsaqr machines, these could be from the Sultanate or the Crimson League. Either allegiance will imbue dread upon their enemies for different reasons.

The Sultanate sky navy has well-trained marines, fighting for the glory of their Great Power. The other foe, equally as terrifying, is the Crimson League of Scheherazade. A bloodthirsty band of pirates whose Janissary assault troops seize whatever goods they can find and give no quarter. Occasionally, Skyships are equipped with underslung Sabiha attack fighters that are released to destroy ship defences and ‘soften up targets’ before the rest of the fleet arrive.

This box contains:

  • 2x Nasr Skyships (may also be built as Awsbiri or Muharib Class)

  • 2x Hirka Skycutter

  • 2x Alsaqr Skybarques

  • 2x SRS Tokens

You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or online at Wayland Games on the 23rd of February 2024.

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