Warcradle Studios

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Coming Soon: 2020 Promotional Event Miniature

Our 2020 promotional event miniature is almost ready to come out of hiding, and we are excited for you to see it for yourselves. This year, the miniature is based on a famous figure from our own history. Can you guess who? 

After a year as our exclusive promotional miniature, Jadzia Kosciuszko - Winged Hussar Captain, rides off into the main range, soon to be available to purchase online and from your FLGS. Passing the baton to the new promotional miniature. A character who we feel is going to be just as popular and iconic for all, including Exodus players!

Including Exodus players? 

Yes, that’s right, just like Jadzia, the 2020 miniature is designed for use in both Wild West Exodus and Lost World Exodus (more on the Lost World in a forthcoming Studio Diary). 

Think you know who she or he is from the misty image above? Make your prediction in The Dark Council Facebook group, there are serious bragging rights to whoever guesses it!

How will you be able to get hold of this new character? 

Of course, last year we released the 2019 promotional miniature at Adepticon. This year is a little more complicated as the event schedule is changing rapidly in line with the global Coronavirus situation. Both Adepticon in the US, and Salute in the UK, are cancelled for 2020. The next show we were going to attend, the UK Games Expo, is now rescheduled for later this year (more details below). 

How can the miniature be available when shows are running, if there are no shows?  

We’ve worked hard to make the miniature available to players in a way that is fair but still keeps it an exclusive promotional release. The 2020 promotional miniature will go on sale online from the 26th March 2020 at www.wildwestexodus.com  

The miniature will remain available to purchase online until the end of the next show that Warcradle Studios attends. At the moment that looks like GenCon 2020 in Indianapolis ending on the 2nd of August. Of course, this may change, in which case the 2020 promotional miniature will remain available online until the close of the show following that. As of right now, the next show we will attend after GenCon 2020 looks to be the UK Games Expo commencing on the 21st of August until the 23rd of August. 

 What happens once shows are back up-and-running?

At the end of the next show  Warcradle Studio attends, availability of the 2020 promotional miniature will return back-to-normal; the miniature will only be available for the duration of each show we attend. For details about the events we’ll be attending during the 2020/2021 season, keep an eye on our blog and socials, and be sure to check the Warcradle Studios community calendar regularly.

If you can’t attend one of the shows (even if they are running!) we’ll continue to make the miniature available online for the duration of each show. 

We’ll have more details in the next Studio diary on the 2020 promotional miniature, so make sure you keep an eye on our blog and socials for news!