With the recent release of the latest faction for Armoured Clash, the Enlightened, a mass of machinery are soon to be spotted on tabletops worldwide.

If the thought of painting these amalgamations of man and machine overwhelms you, Daz is here to help. Returning again with another entry in the Step-by-Step series, Daz has provided insight into how he painted the Enlightened units found on the Warcradle release blog.

All paints mentioned are Vallejo unless stated otherwise.

Basing and Overalls

Follow along as Daz shows you how to get your Enlightened Brute Enforcers looking suitably cold and unfeeling with just the right amount of grotesqueness.


Step 1: To begin, I undercoated the Enforcer with Games Workshop Chaos Black Spray.


Step 2: Next, I gave all clothing areas were given a basecoat of a 3:1 mix of Flat Earth and Black.


Step 3: I applied most of the first highlight using Flat Earth, leaving the base coat showing in the recesses.


Step 4: For the next highlight, I added 1:3 Ice Yellow to Flat Earth and concentrated on the bulky flat areas.


Step 5: Bringing the Ice Yellow up to 50% from the mix in Step 4 for the next highlight, I concentrated on the edges and folds of the fabric.


Step 6: finalise the basing, I used a unifying glaze of Flat Earth to bring everything together.



Step 7: To begin painting the leather parts, I applied a base coat of Hull Red.


Step 8: Adding 1:3 Ice Yellow to Hull Red for this next stage, I highlighted all large areas and edges.


Step 9: I washed over the leather areas with Battledress Brown Express Paint to shade and add depth.


Step 10: I used a very thin wash of Black Lotus Express Paint to bring out the detail a little further on the leather.

Steel Armour


Step 11: I applied a base coat of a 1:1 mix of Sombre Grey and Black to the steel areas.


Step 12: Next, I added a highlight of Sombre Grey, leaving the base coat showing in the recesses.


Step 13: The next highlight I painted was pure Steel Grey.


Step 14: Again, I used a Black Lotus wash to pick out the raised rivets and panel lines.


Step 15: To add just a little shine, I finished the steel areas with a glazed highlight of Wolf Grey.

Vulcanised Rubber


Step 16: All rubber details on the Enforcer were base coated with Periscopes.


Step 17: Adding a spot of Ice Yellow to the Periscopes created the first highlight that i used on the rubber elements.


Step 18: I added a touch more Ice Yellow to the previous mix for the final highlight.



Step 19: I gave the golden detailing on the minis an initial basecoat with a 1:1 mix of Flat Earth and Brass


Step 20: For the first highlight, I added Sun Yellow to the previous mix at a ratio of 1:2.


Step 21: Adding another 1:2 Ice Yellow to mix in step 20, I painted in the second highlight at the very tip of where the light would shine.



Step 22: For the visor of the Enforcer, I base coated with Dark Green.


Step 23: I added 1:2 Parasite Brown to Dark Green for the first highlight on the visor.


Step 24: Adding another 1:2 Parasite Brown to the mix in step 23, I created and applied the second highlight.


Step 25: I added 1:2 Sun Yellow to the previous mix for the next highlight.


Step 26: Like before, the next highlight I applied was a 1:2 addition of Ice Yellow to the previous mix.


Step 27: The final highlight I was applied with just pure Ice Yellow.

Unhealthy Flesh


Step 28: I used a 1:1 mix of Hull Red and Parasite Brown to paint the base coat of the flesh parts. Be careful not to paint over any of our beautiful highlights from the previous steps.


Step 29: Bringing up the previous mix with an added 1:2 of Ice yellow, I added the first skin highlight.


Step 30: Only adding 1:3 Ice Yellow to the previous mix this time, the next highlight was also added..


Step 31: Finally, I applied a glaze of Bag of Bones Express paint to the skin areas to tie together the previous highlights.

And we’re done! Your stone-cold Enforcer should be looking its best, ready to deploy onto the battlefield.

Make sure to keep an eye out for news on the latest releases on the Warcradle blog and follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram to stay up to date with any news or future Step-by-Steps.
