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Step-by-Step Guide - Tempelhof Glow Effects and Details

The Tempelhof Battlefleet from Dystopian Wars has now leapt into action, and can now be pre-ordered at Wayland Games and a vast majority of FLGS Stores.

Daz has spent some time taking us through how he achieves glow effects and details on the newest ship belonging to The Imperium.

Follow the steps below to achieve this effect on your newest fleet:

Step 1

I made a thin wash of turquoise (P3 Arcane Blue) and applied this sparingly to the areas I wanted to have a slight glow effect.

Step 2

I repeated the process four times to get a significant depth of colour.

Step 3

I made a very thin glaze of white and ran this into the centre of the coils, to suggest a pure light fading to blue.

Step 4

I made a glaze of mid-blue (P3 Cygnar Blue Highlight) and applied this to the ends of the coils as they meet the base of the structure.

Step 5

All military symbols were given a base coat of blue-grey (P3 Greatcoat Grey)

Step 6

I added one part white to three parts grey and applied some rough highlights.

Step 7

I added more white to around a fifty/fifty mix and applied a more controlled highlight around the edges of the symbol.

Step 8

I added some weathering and outlined the symbol in pure white.

Step 9

I applied two very thin (ten to one) glazes of Cygnar Blue Highlight to tie everything together. 

Step 10

To finish off I reapplied the edge highlight of pure white. 

That’s it for this week, want to show us how you have painted your recent fleets from Dystopian Wars? Or share how this technique worked for you?

Head on over to The Sturginium Lounge to share your progress in the Official Dystopian Wars community.

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