Following on from the Step-by-Step: Islands & Archipelagos set part 1, Warcradle Studios has a whole new tutorial for the rest of the boxed set!

Follow Daz’s guide to complete the painting of your August releases and have them ready for the tabletop as soon as they arrive. This terrain will set sail for release day on the 28th of August 2021. 

Read on to see how you can paint your other half of the Islands and Archipelagos set to be used on the sea-mat: 

Step 1 - Over a GW Chaos Black undercoat I applied a base coat of mid brown (P3 Bloodstone) from the base of the island and then faded it out towards the island top. I used an airbrush for speed, however you can use a mixture of stippling and dry brushing to get the same result.

Step 2 - I applied a light coat of mid orange brown (P3 Bogrin Brown) across the base of the model.

Step 3 - I applied a layer of dark green grey (P3 Cryx Bane Base) from a downwards direction fading out towards the brown.

Step 4 - I added a spot of white to the previous mix and applied sparingly from above. If you don’t have an airbrush I’d recommend using a sponge for this part. Just rough up an edge and dab this colour on randomly. For a more noticeable highlight try twisting the sponge as you apply.

Step 5 - To achieve maximum effect from the next stages I gave the whole model a dusting of white from above. Once again, you could use a sponge for this stage.

Step 6 - The whole model was given a rough wash of black ink across the top, which I then pulled down the model using a sponge. This will leave a softer effect with more streaking allowing for a nice rock finish.

Step 7 - I stippled on a light orange brown around the base to boost the sandiness (P3 Bogrin Brown).

Step 8/9/10 - For step 8, I applied a wash of Vallejo sepia ink to the entire model before applying a very light dry brush of Menoth White Highlight to the whole model; then only the top half for step 9, then finally just the mountain tops for step 10.

Step 11 - Any military type emplacements were given a solid base coat of blue grey (P3 Greatcoat Grey). 

Step 12 - I edge highlighted the structures with a 50/50 mix of Greatcoat Grey and Menoth White Highlight.

Step 13 - A final edge highlight was applied with pure Menoth White Highlight

Step 14 - For the more ancient looking ruins I used a base coat of 50/50 P3 Menoth White Base, and P3 Coal Black for the stonework and P3 Cold Steel for the metal work.

Step 15 - The structures were given a wash of 50/50 Sepia/Black Ink (Vallejo).

Step 16 - The stonework was edge highlighted with Menoth White Highlight whilst the metal areas were highlighted with Cold Steel.

And we’re done!

The Islands & Archipelagos Set is available to order from your FLGS or at Wayland Games online, where they will be ready to lift anchor and embark at the end of August 2021. 

Keep an eye out on the Warcradle studio blog for future step-by-step guides. 

Make sure to raise sail and check out the Official social channel for Dystopian Wars, The Sturginium Lounge.

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