Daz has been hard at work painting so you know what that means, it’s Step-by-Step time again! 

As you may have recently seen, Warcradle Studios has released a Wild West Exodus two player starter set; Showdown at Retribution. Including two forces of detailed Warcradle miniatures from either the Enlightened or the Union, today we are focusing on the UR-31E Teslabot.

Make sure to follow the steps below to achieve a finished piece of UR-31E Teslabot armour, or to help inspire your Wild West Exodus painting journey.

Step 1: I start by giving the model a base coat of dark blue (P3 Exile Blue), you can use an airbrush to help speed up this process or use a heavy wetting brush if you’d prefer.

Step 2: I created the first highlight by mixing a 50/50 ratio of blue (P3 Cygnar Base Blue) with our previous mix of dark blue (P3 Exile Blue). When applying I made sure to aim for the edges and flat panels.

Step 3: To create the second highlight I added a 25/75 ratio of turquoise (P3 Arcane Blue) to the previous mix. I once again highlighted the edges and panels, this time leaving a little of the previous layer showing.

I blended these areas roughly as I went, using a combination of feathering and stippling. At this point, I also outlined the points where different panels meet to further reinforce contrast.

Step 4: For a further layer of highlighting, I added 25/75 blue white (P3 Frostbite) to the previous mix and repeated the process, again leaving a little of the previous layer showing just like before.

Step 5: I applied the final highlight with a watered down layer (50/50) of P3 Frostbite concentrating on the uppermost edges and corners. And… we can call this as good as done! Read on for final touches.

Step 6: I added some quick chips and dings with watered down black (P3 Thamar Black), all the best armour has at least some wear!

Step 7: I made sure to give all corners, high edges and the undersides of the chips a thin highlight of P3 Frostbite.

Step 8: Next, I applied a dark shade of red (P3 Sanguine Base) to the deepest recesses to suggest wear and to add interest.

Step 9: Finally, I gave all areas of the miniature a very thin glaze of 10/90 Cygnar Base Blue to tie everything together.

And we’re done!

Excited to get your hands on your own UR-31E Teslabots? Make sure to pre-order your Showdown at Retribution Two Player Set at your FLGS or Wayland games online now.
Be sure to let us know how you plan to paint your own UR-31E Teslabots on Warcradle Studio’s socials, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.