Now that events are back in full swing and wargaming returns to your FLGS, it’s time for a refresh. We are pleased to announce that we are looking to revamp our Warhost Programme and we would love YOU to join us in sharing the fun of our games with more people.

Our Warhosts, Will VonDoome and Nate Wigton

Community is the backbone of any game, and at Warcradle Studios we are extremely lucky to have such talented and dedicated community members who wish to take that extra step and become a Warhost. Being a Warhost is more than just a title, they are the people who help new players find their feet in a hobby they will grow to adore. Warhosts are the people who help build communities at their local game store, helping to make sure people have the opportunity to try out Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Mythos for themselves.

Through offering demos and running events Warhosts also help support the owners of their local stores through bringing in new and existing players to ensure the store can continue operating for years to come. They help local gaming clubs to thrive, offering a plethora of opportunities to come along and learn a new game or just socialise and enjoy the hobby.

A great demo table from Michael Johnson

Does this sound like something you would be interested in? Well you’re not alone! Warhosts from all across the world have held countless events and demos over the years, helping new players find our games. You’ll be part of a tight knit group who can ask each other questions, offer advice or just talk about the games they love - there is a real sense of camaraderie when you’re a Warhost.

Another of our Warhosts, Mike Pierce

So, for those who are passionate about Dystopian Wars, Wild West Exodus and Mythos and would love to share that passion with their local community the Warhost programme may be perfect for you.

Become a cornerstone of your community and apply here.
