In the next set of Wild West Exodus releases, we’re bringing new and remastered Legendary miniatures to the table, heavy armoured support units and a Red Oak building open for business long after the sun has set...


Let’s start off by introducing Legendary Jedrick Powell & 20-20, shall we?

Unique in the Frontier, 20-20 is a relic of the closing days of the Ore War, a Blackhoof automata transformed into a one of a kind prototype only accepting of one rider. Blackhoof 20-20 and his good friend Jedrick set out together to bring sweet justice upon all lawbreakers.

This dynamite duo is now available to pre-order alongside a remastered Legendary Wyatt Earp for Lawmen, Legendary Raven Spirit for Warrior Nation and Legendary Abraham Lincoln for the Union.
There are few new sets of armoured soldiers in town too; The Cor Caroli Luminant equipped with powerful weapons, UR-31 G.I. Bots built for open combat deployment, and a set of Watcher Virdian Locust/Chigoe that can be deployed as either airborne Virdian Chigoe assault units or fire support Virdian Locust are all available to pre-order from today.

And finally, the Red Oak Cat House is open for business! A place where all needs are met, all desires sated and all currencies taken - there’s never a dull moment beneath its roof. Often those drinking in the Red Oak Saloon find themselves heading to the Cat House for a place to lay their hat.

All of this month's pre-orders are set to be released on November 24th with the exception of Legendary Jedrick Powell & 20-20 who will be released on the 22nd December.

These items are available to pre-order from us, or your FLGS, and as always, be sure to check out all of this months pre-orders so you don't miss out on any of our new Wild West Exodus products.

Heading to Spiel ‘18? Don’t forget to pop over to Hall 6 Booth 6I102 and check out the demo team and tables. We have plenty of miniatures to purchase including Nakano Gozen - Emissary of the Blazing Sun, our promotional miniature for 2018. She’s available to purchase from our booth (6I102) at Spiel and online during the event for £13.00

You can purchase her from the Wild West Exodus online store until 21:00 October 28th and then her next appearance online will be during PAX Unplugged at the end of November!

Nakano Gozen is our promotional miniature until 2019 when she will become part of our regular catalogue of fantastic miniatures - available to all!

Legendary Jedrick Powell and 20/20

Unique in the Frontier, 20-20 is a relic of the closing days of the Ore War, a Blackhoof automata transformed into a one of a kind prototype. As a new weapon for a battle that never came, 20-20 has many of the capabilities of a trained sniper as well as the ability to morph into two different modes. The first is as a Vitruvian Simulacra - a humanoid machine armed with a deadly Hyper-V rifle. The second form is his original configuration as a Blackhoof steed. While in that form, 20-20 will accept only one rider, his good friend Jedrick Powell, who takes up the rifle and together they bring sweet justice upon all lawbreakers.

The Legendary Jedrick Powell & Blackhoof 20-20 kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

  • 1x Legendary Jedrick Powell & Blackhoof 20-20

  • 1x Base

Please note:

  • Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £23

Legendary Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp, High Marshal of the Arizona Territories, is an imposing man. Well over six feet in height, with what could best be called an 'intimidating' presence, he is taciturn and hard to extract information from. When he gives up his words, he is startlingly eloquent and his belief in dispensing justice is without question.

Wyatt Earp has made it his duty to serve and protect the people of the Union of Federated States from threats that might intrude upon their daily lives. Laudable though this goal may be, it has nonetheless earned Earp few friends and countless more enemies. His immediate family has suffered numerous personal tragedies at the hands of the lawless. Only his closest friends are able to permeate the iron-clad demeanour he maintains and there are but few who can offer support and succour to the undoubtedly lonely man that must lie within the legend.

Wyatt Earp continues to heft his trusty shotgun whilst striding out to the clink of spurs, ready to dispense justice. He is rightly feared by those he faces in the city of Tombstone, or further afield because he brings hell with him.

The Legendary Wyatt Earp kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

  • 1x Legendary Wyatt Earp

  • 2x Head options

  • 1x Base

Please note:

  • Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £17

Legendary Raven Spirit

It was not until the last winter before the Union drove out the Crown from the Americas that the true scope of his bond with the spirits was revealed. His braves had been slaughtered in an ambush by Continental Marines. Wounded, barely able to raise his weapon, Raven Spirit - by now a Warrior Nation chief - raised his head to the sky and let out the keening cry that was the raven's own. When the spirit of an ancient warrior, many centuries dead, coalesced in shimmering blue spirit fire around the young chief - this was startling enough. When that Summoning also unleashed a plume of all-consuming spiritual fire that obliterated the terrified attackers, Raven Spirit fell into a deep trance.

Marked by intense visions of the Great Spirit, Raven Spirit emerged from his meditation with the dawn and brought with him a new vision for his people. Abandoning the ways of divided tribes and embracing a more ancient path to reunite with the native tribes of humanity across the globe. It was as part of the Warrior Nation that they would save its people from the growing darkness and also extend protection to all the peoples of the Earth.

Despite doubts and many dangers, Raven Spirit has built alliances towards some Grand Paradigm that only he can truly comprehend. Now nearly a hundred summers old, Raven Spirit leads his people with a benevolent hand, adhering to the guiding light of the Great Spirit infusing him with a vitality that would not seem possible.

The Legendary Raven Spirit kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

  • 1x Legendary Raven Spirit

  • 1x Base

Please note:

  • Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £28

Legendary Abraham Lincoln

It became painfully clear to President Lincoln that he was best suited to shepherd his beloved nation back to peace -, but he could not do this from within the White House.

Using his ever-expanding web of agents to assist him, Lincoln staged his own assassination in 1866. He was then free to assume more direct control of the varied defences of the nation while his vice-president, Andrew Johnson, a capable bureaucrat with little to no imagination or drive, was left as a figurehead to rule in his place.

Abraham Lincoln was finally free to move out into the wide world in order to lead his extensive army of gifted killers through the shadows, conducting the infinite number of dark and dreadful deeds the times demanded of the nation should she expect to survive. Lincoln knew that there were things the Union Army could not be called upon to do, whether it was investigating dangers to the wounded country, to ferret out plots and schemes that threatened her, or eliminate potential problems before the public could even be aware of them. His Secret Service was essential to the health of the Union.

The Legendary Abraham Lincoln kit builds one multi-part resin miniature;

  • 1x Legendary Abraham Lincoln

  • 1x Base

Please note:

  • Miniature is supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £17

Red Oak Cat House

While some men and women in the West find satisfaction in a hard day's toil, digging the earth or riding the plains, others find satisfaction in softer more pliant locales. The Cat House in Red Oak is a place where all needs are met, all desires sated and all currencies taken. There is never a dull moment beneath the roof of the Cat House which is still open for business long after the sun has set.

This Wild West Exodus Scenery kit contains

  • 1x Red Oak Saloon Building

  • 1x Alternative side signage

  • Assembly Instructions

Please note:

  • Scenery items are manufactured in Medium Density Fibre Board (MDF).

  • Buildings are supplied primed and some assembly will be required.

Price: £30

UR-31 G.I. Bots

The G.I. Bot is a military grade version of the UR-31 and shares many features with the Heavy Lawbots of the same mark. Developed by the Union as an iterative improvement on the Enlightened designed UR-30's, the G.I. Bot is built for open combat deployment. Its updated design has led to the inclusion of better armour and a more advanced combat logic engine with many complicated parts and, subsequently, a lower battery life. These changes have necessitated shorter tours of duty yet still ensures that a fully automatic army will elude the Union for years to come. Despite this, the UR-31 G.I. Bot serves in a support capacity with most Armoured Guard regiments. It is a common enough piece of hardware that two dedicated assault platoons have been readied for overseas deployment staffed entirely by these tireless and relentless metal soldiers.

The UR-31 G.I. Bots kit builds two multi-part resin miniatures;

  • 2x UR-31 G.I. Bots

  • 4x Weapon options

  • 2x Bases

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £15

Cor Caroli Luminant

Even within the highly disciplined and elite Order of the Allshard, the Cor Caroli are a cadre apart. Warrior souls drawn from the allshard to inhabit the bodies of men and women who have been bred and prepared for such a great and glorious purpose. These hosts are then encased in heavy armour and given powerful weapons all designed and built using the technology of The Order. On the field of battle these towering armoured soldiers lay waste to the enemy, ever in search of those tainted by the Hex. They will stop at nothing to ensure such abominations are annihilated.

The Cor Caroli Luminant kit builds three multi-part resin miniatures;

  • 3x Cor Caroli Luminant

  • 3x Bases

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £18

The Viridian play an important role in the Watchers. Deployed as airborne Chigoe assault units or as fire support Locust teams, the Viridian excel at targeted strikes. To assist in these roles, the Hegemony has enhanced the species natural chitin into armoured plates that provide a degree of protection against small arms fire and bladed weapons.  

The Viridian Locusts / Chigoe kit builds three multi-part plastic miniatures and includes enough options to enable any of the three miniatures to be built as either a Viridian Chigoe or a Viridian Locust.

  • 3x Viridian Locusts / Chigoe

  • 3x Bases

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.

  • Character Unit Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.

Price: £18