+ What happened to Firestorm Armada?
Warcradle Studios aquired all rights and materials relating to Firestorm Armada in addition to Dystopian Wars, Dystopian Legions, Armoured Clash, Firestorm Planetfall and Uncharted Seas, originially created by Spartan Games, at the end of 2017. We did not aquire the HALO license. Find out more in our official announcement video here.
+ Where can I buy Firestorm Armada miniatures?
Earlier edition Firestorm Armada miniatures have been added to the Warcradle Classics range. You may be able to find these miniatures online from retailers. The Warcradle Classics range denotes items which are being produced in limited numbers, and are end-of-life products.
Rest assured, we have lots of plans to do with exciting new miniatures for the new edition of Firestorm Armada, for every faction! New edition Firestorm Armada miniatures will be available to purchase from our trade partners - find a store near you with our where-to-buy tool - and online at Wayland Games in the future, after they have been announced. Keep an eye on the Warcradle Studios blog and social media for announcements!
+ Where can I find Firestorm Armada rules?
We're working on the new edition of Firestorm Armada - be sure to keep an eye on our blog and our socials for the latest news on the new edition rules. If you're looking for information on earlier edition rules, you can head to the Spartan Games archive, here. We set the Spartan Games archive up to support players looking for rules material relating to older edition games.
+ How and when can I sign up for the new edition Beta?
If you're following us on social media and you're checking the Warcradle Studios blog regulary, when we launch the Open Beta for the new edition of Firestorm Armada, you'll be one of the first to know. Be sure to join the official community group on Facebook too - The Black Ocean - Official Firestorm Armada Community - as our rules development team will be active and looking to community members for feedback!
After we announce the start of Beta, we'll share everything with you, and let you know exactly what you need to do to take part and give feedback.
+ Can I use my previous Firestorm Models?
Yes you can! In the new version of Firestorm, the bases are hexagonal so you will only need to change out the bases and you are all set. If you don’t want to change your bases, then there is a hexagonal template you can use for Movement and Attack purposes instead.
+ Will my previous Firestorm Models have statistics in the new version?
Yes! Most if not all will have their stats to show the ship they represent in the new setting.
+ Are you planning to release the 3D files for the models?
No, the miniatures in Firestorm Armada are only to be available as physical products.
+ What is the scale of ships in Firestorm Armada?
Same scale as previous versions, 1:10,000
+ How far in the future does the new Firestorm Armada take place?
About two thousand years from now. In 3061.
+ What is the timeline for Firestorm?
The Martyrdom of Dramos was in 2666. Directorate founded in 2676. First human contact with A'quan 2285. First contact with Relthoza Unity by humanity is in 3054.
+ How many factions are there?
There are 8 factions. The Terran Directorate, Dindrenzi Federation, Sorylian Congress, Veydreth Authority, Relthoza Unity, Ba’kash Reavers, A’Quan Sebrutan and the Storm Zone Coalition.
+ Will the Beta rules be free for everyone to grab and try?
Beta will be free. Final rulebook will be free online.
+ What’s the recommended board size for Firestorm Armada?
3x3, 4x4, 6x4
+ What defenses do ships have in Firestorm Armada?
Everyone has shields. Everyone has some degree of armour/hull.
+ Will there be books, blogpost or other media presenting the background?
Blogs mainly. But the rulebooks will feature the background too.
+ What dice will be used in Firestorm?
D6. They will use the “exploding” mechanic.
+ Will ships still have subsystems to damage?
Yes, vessels take critical damage each affecting different parts of the unit.
+ Are the old fighter tokens still viable for play in the new edition or are those scrapped entirely for the new fighter designs?
You can use classic tokens. As long as your opponent knows what they represent. There are new SRS tokens coming as part of the full game.
+ Will all of the existing models have individual rules? e.g. would the Hawker cruiser and Terrace cruisers have the same rules?
They are both Terran cruisers. But one will have the additional rules for the Hawker Industries Mega-Corp and the other the Kurak Engineering ones.
+ Will ships have class names (Apollo, Tyrant) or just faction and classification (Hawker Command Ship)?
They have names. Such as an Excelsior-class command ship.
+ Will the minis still be resin, or are Warcradle using another material?
+ What about the Spartan Vanguard program? Can we expect something similar?
There are warhosts, out community champions. If you want to get involved: https://blog.warcradle.com/become-a-warhost
+ Will the Ba’Kash models be able to be assembled in an opened as well as a closed configuration?
There will be a balance between the in-universe function and the modeling. Whether it’s two sets of arms or a case of repositioning the arms depends on the miniatures and the designs. But the idea is to enable you to have both.