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Warcradle Fiction

Vignette #9 - Apology

Vignette #9 - Apology

Doc Holliday has a secret addiction. A problem, even.

Now, that seems very likely, given how quickly he has worked his way down the bottle of bourbon sitting on the table in front of him. Although you’d be forgiven for guessing alcohol as your answer, you’ll not hit the mark on this occasion. Try again...

Vignette #8 - Justifiable

Vignette #8 - Justifiable

Well now, lis'en here won' ya? There be one thing tha' Johnny Ringo don' like an' here's a tale by this here Sarah Cawkwell warnin' y'all.

Y'all listen close now.

Vignette #6 - The Race

Vignette #6 - The Race

Time for a new vignette?

Let the awe-inspiring Sarah Cawkwell tell you a tale...

VIGNETTE #5 - Seeking Guidance

VIGNETTE #5 - Seeking Guidance

Sarah Cawkwell has a brand new vignette ready and waiting for you to read!

It's time to return to Walks Looking's childhood and a day that would hold future repercussions...

VIGNETTE #4 - Dead Man's Hand

VIGNETTE #4 - Dead Man's Hand

Don't you love how the lovely Sarah Cawkwell spins a yarn?   

Welcome to the newest instalment, all 'bout the Marshal...

Trade Secrets

Trade Secrets

Lee, from Warcradle, has updated us with a new tale from the world of Wild West Exodus... Can we trust Edison? Let's find out.

VIGNETTE #3 - A Gentleman's Disagreement

VIGNETTE #3 - A Gentleman's Disagreement

We're all in for a treat, if treat is the right word, with Sarah Cawkwell's new short story about Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday.

The decisions we make regarding those we care about, ay?

VIGNETTE #2 - Harvest

VIGNETTE #2 - Harvest

Did you enjoy Sarah Cawkwell's first instalment 'The Storyteller'? We definitely did!

It's time to return to the stories of Wild West Exodus and finally meet the Countess... 

Although, after this, would you want to meet her?

Vignette #1 - The Storyteller

Vignette #1 - The Storyteller

Sarah Cawkwell, the renowned novelist, will be writing a series of short stories for Wild West Exodus. We couldn't be happier!

It's time to delve into the world of stories surrounding Wild West Exodus.

Are you sitting comfortably?

Because believe you me, you'll want to listen carefully...