This August, a new Battlefleet Set is ready to appear out of seemingly thin air to strike their foes, and the Dystopian Wars Dice Set becomes available as a separate release.

The Enlightened have been lying in wait, biding their time as they ready an ambush from below. The Xenophon Battlefleet Set features a host of vessels that are perfect for Enlightened fleets looking to harness the element of surprise to their advantage.

Also releasing in August is the Dystopian Wars Dice Set, an individual release of the familiar dice set you know from our Two Player Starter Sets and Faction Battlefleets.

These are due to be released at the end of August 2024.

Dystopian Wars

The introduction of the Xenophon Battlefleet Set lets Enlightened players make an unexpected arrival into battle, and the separate release of the Dystopian Wars Dice Set offers an easy way to pick up a spare set or keep some in reserve for that massive focused attack.

Xenophon Battlefleet Set

They seemed to come from nowhere without warning. The Alliance battlefleet of Italian vessels had no time to prepare, barely even enough to power up heat lances.

Fighters slashed the sky as Amo Carrier Frigates broke the surface following their submerged approach, small hatches opened on their surface, and small drones launched into the sky almost immediately. The Enlightened formations remained uniform as they closed the distance, pre-programmed and soulless.

From another direction came the flagship. The Xenophon Battlecruiser ploughed through the waves, still glistening wet from its underwater surprise attack. Particle beams pierced the hulls of Alliance vessels as men still ran to battlestations. The screams of steel and souls were drowned out by the screech of Enlightened Scythe Fighters, strafing the set-upon ships, aiming to exacerbate the damage caused.

Finally, as disarray swept across the Alliance fleet, almost as if it were a tangible encompassing cloud, then came the Lovelace cruisers. Striking deep at the heart of the enemy, more green beams of light sliced across filigree armour plates and pierced deep into gaping holes in the superstructure of larger vessels that were as yet unsunk.

Before long, it was over, with the victims of the attack never knowing why. It might have been a territorial dispute or something altogether more esoteric in the minds of the Enlightened officers. By the time the wavelurking ships submerged, there was little left to show what had happened. Flaming patches of oil, an occasional lifeboat that went unnoticed and some potential salvage for whoever passed this way next.

This box contains:

  • 1x Xenophon Battlecruiser (may also be built as Kepler or Loew Class)

  • 2x Lovelace (may also be built as Stiletto, Copernicus, Ulysses, Chatelet or Antarctica Class)

  • 6x Amo (may also be built as Merian variants)

  • 2x SRS Tokens

Dystopian Wars Dice Set

Dystopian Wars is played using custom six-sided dice known as Action and Critical Damage dice. Each side has a special symbol that relates to the result. Action Dice are used to inflict damage, defend against attacks and carry out other important actions. The Critical damage dice are used to generate and mark critical damage to your models during the battle.

This box contains:

  • 20x Action Dice

  • 6x Critical Dice

You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or online at Wayland Games on the 26th of July 2024.

Stay up to date with the latest news and releases on our Facebook, Instagram, and X and right here on the Warcradle Studios Blog.
