September sees the introduction of two new powerful Battlefleets and a Squadron box to Dystopian Wars, spanning across the globe and even including a new nation.

The Sultanate’s ever-growing reach is unstoppable, with no terrain proving too difficult to traverse. The deserts and oceans of the Dystopian Age pose no threat to their advancements as the Abydos Battlefleet Set proves the might of Egyptian hovercraft!

Horns of war can be heard in the distance as the Scandinavians launch an offensive. First into the fray and arriving on the tabletop soon is the Scions of Jutland Battlefleet Set, striking fear into the hearts of all those unlucky enough to see an Einherjar emerge in front of their bow.

The clash of the colossi continues as the Union Vanguard Squadrons provide Union players with key elements from the Independence Battlefleet Set, such as the John Henry Vitruvian Colossi.

Due to be released at the end of September 2023.

Dystopian Wars

September is a busy month for the seas of Dystopian Wars with the introduction of two new battlefleet sets, the Abydos and Scions of Jutland.

Additional reinforcements arrive as the Union Vanguard Squadrons aim to solidify the Union’s return to form as one of the leading powers of the Dystopian Age.

Abydos Battlefleet Set

The Egyptians have designed their vessels to float upon cushions of air, equally adept at gliding across the endless deserts as well as the open ocean. 

A prime example is the Abydos Hover Stronghold, numerous gun batteries can be brought to bear while repair crews wait, ready at a moment’s notice to perform remarkable feats of field engineering. 

When more direct offence is needed, the Pharos Hover Dreadnought brings a staggering array of weaponry to bear against its foes, including a deadly heavy particle cannon. The Pharos taxes its powerplant to an extreme, its weapon systems drawing on power that might otherwise be used for assisting its repulsion systems with the additional weight of its munitions.

This box contains:

  • 1x Abydos (may also be built as Tanis or Pharos Class)

  • 4x Mandjet (may also be built as Sabah, Sobek or Mesektet Class)

  • 4x Hashashin (may also be built as Kopesh Class)

  • 4x Scarab SRS

Scions of Jutland Battlefleet Set

Any port was understandably scared when they saw the vessels of the enemy on the horizon, defences were manned and military forces were on alert. If the ships sighted were bearing the markings of the Scions of Jutland, it was an altogether more desperate affair.

Often a battlefleet will be led by a Valhalla Fast Dreadnought, its paired Sturmbringers and fore-mounted heavy volt gun batteries providing a devastating punch before eager marines perform a decisive boarding action.

Rarer but no less impressive are the Asgard carriers, surrounded by swarms of Valkyrie Hunt Rotors, unleashing their fury from above like their mythic namesakes.

No quarter would be given, no surrender accepted and no mercy shown. While operating under a letter of marque from the Kriegsministerium, the Scions of Jutland have their own hierarchy, following the auguries of Volva Gullveig, the Witch of Jutland.

A patron of one of the Great Powers might try to employ the services of the Scions as privateers, but Gullveig has her own eldritch motives guiding her decisions and, ultimately, the contracts undertaken by the group. Few know why she does what she does but none can question her effectiveness.

This box contains:

  • 1x Valhalla Fast Dreadnought (may also be built as SMS Skjalden or Asgard Class)

  • 2x Thor Assault Raider (may also be built as Loki, Angrboda, Heimdall, Baldr or Gefjon Class)

  • 2x Odin Reaver (may also be built as Jotuun or Gungnir Class)

  • 4x Fenrir Hunter Submarine

  • 2x Valkyrie Hunt Rotor

  • 4x Escort Token

  • 2x Vali SRS Token

  • 4x Hoth Heavy Corvette

  • 2x Einherjar Vitruvian Colossus

Union Vanguard Squadrons

Only moments ago the Alliance patrol was chugging peacefully along. Now there was only chaos and violence.

The patrol was making routine rounds 205 Nautical miles from the Bay of Oiapoque that marked the border with SUSA and the Union of Federated States. Merely two days ago this stretch of sea was devoid of any points of interest. Now there was a Farpoint Sentry Platform.

The Union had managed to put this into place with remarkable speed. While technically far enough out to see to not be a breach of any treaties, the Alliance Commodore, Saulo Rezende saw this as an insult. Without any visible backup, he decided to make a name for himself by taking the platform.

Had his crew spotted the shapes getting bigger on the horizon, COMO Rezende may have decided against it. Cheyanne Hunter Submarines rose to the surface and unleashed torpedoes against the now outnumbered patrol.

Akron Sentry Rotors flew from the skies, hidden in the glare of the midday sun. More terrifying than all of them, a pair of John Henry Vitruvian Colossi had raced in from distance and crushed frigates and cruisers alike with great hammers that annihilated whole sections of a vessel at a time sending men to their watery grave before they could realise what was happening.

The last thing that Commodore Saulo Rezende thought of was the skill of the trap that ended him. That, and the crews he had led to their doom.

This box contains:

  • 2x John Henry Vitruvian Colossus

  • 2x Akron Sentry Rotors

  • 2x Cheyanne Hunter Submarine

  • 2x Union Farpoint Sentry Platform

  • 2x Talon SRS Tokens

  • 2x Valiant Fast Destroyer

You can pre-order all these exciting new products at your FLGS or at Wayland Games online on the 25th of August 2023.

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