With the imminent release of Armoured Clash, start planning your perfect army with a range of reinforcements, available to pre-order soon.

Behemoths for the Crown and Empire have been spotted on the horizon, as the Sovereign and Laoshan Battlegroup Sets are ready to dominate the battlefield. These gigantic feats of engineering are ready to prove their merit as valuable assets to any Armoured Clash army.

Customise your Armoured Clash army further with new Regiment boxes. Add either a Crown or Empire Armoured Regiment and strengthen your firepower with ingenious engineering, or deploy a new Crown or Empire Infantry Regiment to enhance the manpower of your Force.

Moving from land to sea, fans of Dystopian Wars can add a new Battlefleet Set to their Sultanate fleet. The Khartoum Battlefleet Set provides great versatility in both long and close range, making it a must-have for any Sultanate admiral.

These are due to be released at the end of October 2024.

Armoured Clash

Take your army to the next level this October with a selection of Battlegroup Sets and Regiment Boxes available outside of the initial launch wave of Armoured Clash releases.

Sovereign Battlegroup Set

Once, they ruled the world. But the power of Her Majesty is dwindling; her empire is fading. And yet, through the efforts of their unyielding infantry, the Crown endures.

This Armoured Clash Battlegroup Set contains a Behemoth and heavy support units, a unit that will be sure to have a huge impact on the battlefield. Behemoths are immensely tough and will have enemies quaking in fear and allies cheering in relief. 

This Crown unit can be built in one of two ways: as a Sovereign, a masterpiece of engineering that will rally nearby troops with its majesty, or as a Monarch, an engine of destruction capable of levelling the most armoured of enemies with ease.

In support, there are a host of units to add to your Crown Force. Galahad tanks are some of the toughest in their class, perfect for holding a flank or screening your more delicate units.

Blackwatch Heavy Dragoons can take on heavy and aerial targets while being protected by their portable shield generators. Horse Guard Cavalry excel at sweeping through infantry in close quarters combat. All the while Mordred Heavy Artillery can punch through armour at range.

This box contains:

  • 1x Sovereign Land Ship (may also be built as Monarch Land Ship)

  • 2x Galahad Medium Tanks (may also be built as Galahad Breachers or Tristan Assault Transports)

  • 4x Blackwatch Heavy Dragoons (may also be built as Blackwatch Assault Dragoons)

  • 5x Horse Guard Cavalry

  • 2x Mordred Heavy Artillery (may also be built as Bors Heavy Bombards)

Laoshan Battlegroup Set

When Crowns topple, Unions break, and Sultanates shatter, it is the Empire who will endure. Unending. Immortal. Celestian.

Inside this Armoured Clash Battlegroup Set you will find a Behemoth, as well as tanks and other units, all worthy of the Empire. The Behemoth has two options for you to pick from to add to your force. More aggressive players might want to go with the Laoshan Landship. With an immense roller built into the front of the mighty machine is capable of crushing steel and flesh beneath its huge spikes, all the while the guns it is festooned with can maintain firing. 

The other option is the Wutai Landship, suited more to ranged engagements. Its huge cannons can lay waste to enemies at a distance but if anything survives to get close its many flame weapons will unleash alchemical fire.

As well as a mighty Behemoth, various heavy units are included, perfect for filling other battlefield roles. Fangun Medium Tanks are fast and manoeuvrable, able to plug gaps in your lines, even over difficult ground that would slow down heavier tanks.

Tongshi Lion Automata can lope across no-man's land, their steel and ceramic bodies able to get them into close-quarters combat. Jindouyun Steambikes are also excellent for covering ground but use speed as their method rather than defensiveness.

Fengbao Heavy Launchers will be the bane of enemies that dare to garrison buildings, thinking that will protect them. Spheres of alchemical death will arc through the sky to show them how wrong they are.

This box contains:

  • 1x Laoshan Landship (may also be built as Wutai Landship)

  • 4x Green Banner Jezzail Team

  • 2x Fangun Medium Tanks (may also be built as Yan Shou Flame Tanks)

  • 4x Tongshi Lion Automata (may also be built as Ruishi Lion Automata)

  • 5x Jindouyun Steambikes

  • 2x Fengbao Heavy Launchers (may also be built as San Lei Heavy Artillery)

Crown Armoured Regiment

This Armoured Clash Regiment Box provides heavy reinforcements to your Crown Force! With multiple build options, this box is the perfect means of bringing the armoured might of Queen Victoria to bear upon Her enemies.

Near-impenetrable Galahad tanks roll forward alongside towering Dragoons, an unstoppable bulwark of metal and firepower.

Under the terrifying bombardments of Mordred and Bors artillery, noble Horse Guard Cavalry sweep across the battlefield, crushing infantry beneath their steel hooves, and claiming vital objectives in Her Majesty’s name.

This box contains:

  • 2x Galahad Medium Tanks (may also be built as Galahad Breachers or Tristan Assault Transports)

  • 4x Blackwatch Heavy Dragoons (may also be built as Blackwatch Assault Dragoons)

  • 5x Horse Guard Cavalry

  • 2x Mordred Heavy Artillery (may also be built as Bors Heavy Bombards)

Empire Armoured Regiment

This Armoured Clash Regiment Box displays the full armoured ingenuity of the Empire, providing multiple builds to enhance your Force in battle.

Fangun Medium Tanks streak forward on whirring treads, the torrential fire of their cannons matched only by the terrifying rocket displays of Fengbao Heavy Launchers in the distance.

 As Jindouyun Steambikes zip across all manner of difficult terrain, devastating packs of Tongshi Lion Automata bound forward with searing flame, metallic tooth and claw.

This box contains:

  • 2x Fangun Medium Tanks (may also be built as Yan Shou Flame Tanks)

  • 4x Tongshi Lion Automata (may also be built as Ruishi Lion Automata)

  • 4x Green Banner Jezzail Team

  • 5x Jindouyun Steambikes

  • 2x Fengbao Heavy Launchers (may also be built as San Lei Heavy Artillery)

Crown Infantry Regiment

Once, they ruled the world. But Her Majesty's power is dwindling, and her empire is fading. And yet, the Crown endures thanks to the efforts of the unyielding infantry.

This Armoured Clash Regiment Box provides you with all the ground troops you require to wage war against the other Great Powers with your Crown Force. Stiff upper-lipped ranks of Rifle Platoon infantry slam into enemy lines within Stirling Troop Carriers, as the smoky tendrils of daring Spitfire Rocketeers crisscross overhead.

Elite units of Royal Engineer Sappers storm buildings and lie in wait for heavy targets, while Sharp Rifles pick off opposing Infantry Officers, sowing disorder amongst enemy units. And all the while, lines of Drake Field Guns unleash deafening canister shots, churning up ground and body alike.

This box contains:

  • 6x Rifle Platoon Infantry

  • 4x Drake Field Guns

  • 2x Stirling Troop Carriers (may also be built as Glamis Mobile Guns)

  • 4x Royal Engineer Sappers

  • 4x Sharp Rifles

  • 4x Spitfire Rocketeers

Empire Infantry Regiment

The Empire: Unending. Immortal. Celestian. It endures as the Crown topples, the Union breaks and Sultanates shatter.

This Armoured Clash Regiment Box sees the elite infantry of the Empire brought to bear against your enemies. Green Banner Platoons stride across the battlefield, shielded by great pavises as they hold objectives and unleash withering barrages of firepower.

Flame Teams lay down walls of fire and flush infantry out of defensible buildings, as Rocket Platoons and Tanshe Light Launchers rain down death from above.

Under the shadow of Bulnabang Winged Infantry flying overhead, Jianhuren Terracotta Automata march silently and unstoppably forward, making short work of anyone foolish enough to engage them in close quarters combat.

This box contains:

  • 8x Green Banner Platoon

  • 4x Tanshe Light Launchers (may also be built as Biao Flak Launchers)

  • 4x Green Banner Flame Team

  • 4x Green Banner Rocket Platoon

  • 4x Jianhuren Terracotta Automata

  • 4x Bulnabang Winged Infantry


October is not all Armoured Clash, as the Khartoum Battlefleet Set prepares to launch into the seas of Dystopian Wars to serve as a perfect all-rounder for any Sultanate fleet.

Khartoum Battlefleet Set

This Battlefleet Set for Dystopian Wars contains a Khartoum Battleskimmer, great for expanding a Sultanate fleet or even starting a new one.

The Khartoum Battleskimmer itself is perfect for both long and short-range firefights, destroying foes with its Qaa Magnetic Bombard and heavy gun batteries.

The Battleskimmer can also be built as a Kadesh Class vessel for dealing with aerial threats or an Osiris to gain access to its torpedoes and the submerged firepower they provide. Whichever unit you decide to build, it will make a fantastic centrepiece for an Egyptian-themed fleet.

In support of the Khartoum are also further Egyptian skimmers for support. Two Mandjet Heavy Skimmers also have Qaa Magnetic Bombards for some extreme-range firepower.

You may of course build them as either Sabah, Sobek or Mesektet Class depending on the role you need them to fill in your battlefleet.

As well as this, you get a pair of frigate-sized Hashashin skimmers for some fast and manoeuvrable attacking vessels. Some Scarab SRS tokens are also included which are a nasty surprise for any opponent. 

This box contains:

  • 1x Khartoum (May also be built as Kadesh or Osiris)

  • 2x Mandjet (may also be built as Sabah, Sobek or Mesektet Class)

  • 2x Hashashin (may also be built as Kopesh Class)

  • 2x Scarab SRS

You can pre-order all of these products at your FLGS or online at Wayland Games on the 27th of September 2024.

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