Warcradle Studios

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Warcradle Studios Diary #9

At Adepticon this year we announced Lost World Exodus, the exciting sister game to Wild West Exodus. While the game is due for release after Dystopian Wars next year, we promised that players would be able to see the first releases for the game from this year. So how does that work?

Lost World Exodus (LWX) uses the same compelling and fast-paced rules set as Wild West Exodus (WWX). Not only does this mean that a Force from one game can be played against a Force from another, but that compatibility even extends to units being usable between each game too! There are new unit types in LWX such as Commander and Specialists, but in many ways, these units can act like units that are recognisable in WWX. Rani Nimue, for example, is a Legendary Face in WWX as well as a Commander in LWX.

Expect to see many more products like these released in the run up to the LWX Gubbins Box and rulebook next year.

So when it comes to our forthcoming releases, we are able to begin exploring the Lost World Exodus setting early with the release of a number of units that can also be directly taken for Wild West Exodus. There are several reasons for doing this. We want to keep the interest and excitement for LWX in the gap between announcement and eventual release (in the same way a movie might use trailers!). It also means that when Lost World Exodus eventually arrives, there will already be a number of units available for players to get stuck right in straight away.

A couple of years ago, in the development of Wild West Exodus, we began to push the boundaries of the setting to try and explore some of the wider Dystopian Age. As we realised that this was removing the ‘Wild West’ aspect from WWX, we knew that there was another Exodus story to tell elsewhere and that led us to the Lost World. That journey had developed a number of exciting ideas that seemed to resonate with the community as we revealed them. Once we had decided to release Lost World Exodus many of these concepts actually made a lot more sense to have LWX as their main home. Of course, as there were narrative reasons for them to pop up in WWX, so we wanted to make sure that the game would support that too. Below you can see the concept art for the Soul Hunters, as conceived for Wild West Exodus.

Now you can call them into battle earlier, thanks to Wild West Exodus!

Detachments are specifically designed for Lost World Exodus, but as these special groups of units can also be found in the Wild West, we created a Theme Posse card too!

The other reason for releasing these gorgeous miniatures now rather than waiting until later next year is the fact that they are, well . . . gorgeous miniatures! We just couldn’t bring ourselves to keep them in containment up any longer.

As we continue to weave the rich tapestry that is the Dystopian Age, every new set of miniatures we release adds another layer. So don’t forget to check out the descriptions on the website, as each one gives you more information on the factions and world as a whole. Keep your eyes peeled for more Lost World Exodus detachments and miniatures over the coming months that you can use in Wild West Exodus.
