Step-by-Step: Constitution Battlefleet

Step-by-Step: Constitution Battlefleet

It’s time for another Step-by-Step here on the Warcradle Studios blog, and we are excited to reveal the first painting tutorial for the American faction - the Union!

Pride of Tersgrad

Pride of Tersgrad

The sea was a dull, cold grey, yet it was neither empty nor flat. There was an iron speck present, isolated, battling the raging storm all around it. 50-foot swells broke over the bow of the Pride of Tersgrad as the Battlecruiser laboured through the brutal Arctic Seas.

Fiction: Antigonish - Mythos

Fiction: Antigonish - Mythos

Right from the beginning I knew that it was never going to be an easy task, interviewing Hudson. Most of the time, so the orderlies tell me, he is in a near-catatonic state, just sitting there, knees drawn into his chest, pressed as tightly as he can manage, in the corner of his cell. He stares at seemingly nothing. He mumbles, he drools and he soils himself and any sense of dignity he might have once had has long since been stripped and disregarded.